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Guide to Starting an online business in UAE

Starting a new business itself might have been a long and difficult process in the past. However, thanks to technological advancements, you can easily start a business online without having to worry too much about start-up costs and taxes.

Why The Top Digital Marketing Agency In Dubai Recommends Starting A Business In The UAE

Recommendation for Starting A Business In UAE

Starting an online business in the UAE is highly recommended by the top digital marketing agency in Dubai, due to the many benefits that you can avail yourself of doing so. Some of the benefits of incorporating a business in the UAE have been listed below:


  • A Business-friendly Environment:

Incorporating a business in the UAE offers excellent opportunities for collaboration, networking, and growth for both the natives and ex-pats.

  • The Benefit of Low Taxes:

UAE belongs to the list of the world’s most tax-friendly countries. Regarding business-related taxes, UAE demands no taxes on corporate or personal income.

  • Inclusive Packages for Set-up:

There are many affordable, comprehensive, and inclusive packages available for setting up your own company in the UAE.

  • Complete Ownership:

Owners of businesses in the UAE have the liberty of enjoying profits up to a full 100 percent and complete ownership of the company, even as a foreigner.

Steps For Starting Your Business With Top Advertising Companies In Dubai

Starting an online business in the UAE may not seem like the easiest thing due to the numerous decisions you will have to make. However, if you follow the steps given below by one of the top advertising companies in Dubai, a smooth process of incorporating your business is ensured.

Steps For Starting Your Online Business In The UAE From Top Advertising Companies In Dubai
Locating Your Business

Locating Your Business:

If you wish to start an online business in the UAE, the first decision you will need to come to is selecting the right location, this decision is very important and critical.

The three main choices you have for your company’s location are mainland, free zones, and offshore. Each of these options has its own merits and demerits that you need to study carefully before deciding.

Free zones are quite appealing to small businesses as they are the economic zones that grant foreigners a tax-free environment and 100% ownership.


However, they come with a lot of restrictions, i.e. You cannot operate outside the free zone, or you will need to lease a commercial space from the authorities of the free zone.

Businesses operating in the Mainland are registered with the Economic Development Department in one of the UAE’s seven emirates. While Mainland companies and businesses have more flexibility than free zones, they have to pay corporate taxes.

Offshore businesses are registered in jurisdiction that is outside the UAE. While these companies do not need to pay taxes to the UAE government, they have very limited access to services like banking.

Naming Your Company:

While it may sound like an easy task, naming your company is a step that will either make it or break it for you.

There are a few conventions you must remember while naming your company, regarding the region, i.e. You should never involve the name of Allah or Islam in the name of your company and avoid using hateful or offensive words.

Also, you can register your company under a name that is not already registered, in other words, you cannot use the name of an existing company.

Naming Your Company
Acquiring a License

Acquiring a License:

To make an operable company, you will be required to register it, whether you want to operate online or offline. You will need to apply for a license with the particular Emirates’ Department of Economic Development if you want a Mainland business.

For a free zone company, you have the liberty of applying and directing to any particular free zone you wish to work in.

The license application and approval process can be very lengthy and time-consuming. This is why we recommend taking the help of a reputable business consultant or a company that offers similar services in the UAE.

Applying For a Visa:

This step is unnecessary if you are a citizen of the UAE. However, if you are from another country, and you want to start an e-commerce practice in the UAE, you will be required to apply for a visa.

This is because even if you are operating from outside the UAE, you will need a visa for entering the UAE and hiring any employees from the region.

Applying for a visa is possible and relatively easier if you are of eligible age and have no prior convictions with the authorities.

Applying For a Visa
Opening a Business Bank Account

Opening a Business Bank Account:

After getting your license and visa, you will need a business bank account in order to make your business finally official. You will simply be required to submit a few legal and official documents to the bank of your preference.

Ending Note:

E-commerce is growing rapidly in the UAE and is prompting many businessmen and investors to invest their money in this field and region. The pandemic caused this trend to grow even more and even now, one can avail many benefits from this opportunity.

If you have any queries and need more questions answered or just need assistance with your business incorporation in the UAE, you can avail of the services of or consult with a top digital marketing agency in Dubai like VDigitalX Marketing.


Do I need a license to start an online business in UAE?

If you wish to start an online business or a business on which you can work from home, you still need a home business license or an e-commerce license for it.

What license do I need to sell online in UAE?

In order to sell online in the UAE, you are required to obtain an E-commerce license.

Can you sell online in UAE without a license?

It is illegal to sell anything in Dubai without a license, be it in person or online. You need a license to do any kind of business in Dubai without a license.

Patrick Stone

Patrick Stone

I am an expert in business development and brand creation. With more than a decade of experience, I see myself as the centerpiece of the digital world. I look to channel my knowledge and emotions into writing blogs that assist in providing marketing options to individuals and businesses who need it the most. I use simple words to showcase my feelings so everyone can easily understand and relate to them.

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