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How To Start a Podcast?

If you are looking to start a podcast, now’s the time, because as the saying goes; there is no time like the present. The popularity of podcasts has been rising rapidly which has brought podcast marketing services to the forefront in this digital era.

Numerous podcasting platforms are available for starters to begin their training and learning regarding this field. It may seem to you that starting a podcast is a very difficult task; this is why we have brought you a detailed guide in our blog to the make process of starting a podcast simple for you.

what is a podcast

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is a series of digitally available audio and video files that can be listened to and downloaded through the internet. Podcasts use long-form content to engage the audience.

While spreading awareness about your podcasts can be challenging; you can easily avail the best social media services in Dubai to get ahead in your game.

What Sets Podcasts Apart?

A podcast enables you to build an intimate and genuine connection with your audience while empathizing with them. It is a more convenient choice as you can listen to a podcast anywhere and anytime; e.g. while working out, while driving, while walking, etc.

The opportunities for podcasting are unexpectedly high. While there are over 51 million YouTube channels and over 600 million blogs; there are only 3.02 million podcasts available. Thus, it is a marketplace that is yet to be explored.

Headphones on the table
Steps to Start a Podcast

Steps to Start a Podcast

Starting a podcast is no walk in the park, but fortunately for you, we have a step-by-step guide in place to guide you through starting a podcast.

1. Create a Concept

The limit to concepts for a podcast is sky-high; you have a wide variety to choose from, including books, music, food, sports, etc. You can include whatever you wish to, in your podcast.

Firstly, identify the purpose of your podcast, when you have the answer to why you are starting a podcast. The answer is the purpose behind your podcast, it can be a hobby, passion, or for recognition.

Secondly, find what your podcast will be about. This will help you decide the name and the format for your podcast and everything will start falling into place.

Create a Concept for your podcast

The next step would be to select the topic for your podcast. The topic can be extensive as writing or as limited as writing fantasy.

Choose a topic you are passionate about, so you will have a lot of content at hand to write and present. Then, choose a catchy and memorable name for your podcast; ensure that it ranks with relevant keywords as well.

Headphones with mic

2. Choose the Format

There are various formats to choose from when starting your podcast; some podcasts have a single host, some are interviews, and others are based on scripted stories. There are some common formats for podcasts:

  • News Recap: Summarizes news of a specific industry, i.e. sports news.
  • Interview Podcast: A single host interviews individuals in a particular industry, i.e. entertainment industry.
  • Scripted Fiction: Often scripted, these podcasts are similar to highly produced audio dramas.
  • Scripted Non-Fiction: Includes real-life encounters and happenings that have been rewritten.
  • Educational Podcasts: these are also scripted non-fictional shows, but their main focus is on teaching their audience.

Now that you are familiar with the various formats of podcasts; choose one that best suits your taste and the topic you have chosen.

  • The Duration Of Your Podcast

There is no definite limit to the time length of your podcast; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your podcast can be as short as 20 minutes or as long as an audiobook.

You can also edit the recording of your podcast and remove the boring and unnecessary parts that do not appeal to or add value to the content.

  • Publishing Schedule:

If you are podcasting as a side activity or a hobby, you can have a relaxed schedule for posting and publishing. However, if you are going to podcast professionally, you should have a definite schedule for publishing your podcasts; it can be daily, twice or thrice a week, etc.

Publishing more often gives you the advantage of maintaining a connection with the audience.

3. The Required Equipment and Software

  • Equipment:

At a minimum, you will need a computer and a good microphone for podcasts. If you want to record a video-based podcast, you will also need a camera; of course, if the podcast is audio based, a camera is not necessary.

You might also want noise-canceling headphones, and a soundproof recording room, but these are not necessary.

The Required Equipment and Software for a podcast
  • Software:

You will need software for recording and editing the podcast, podcast hosting sites, podcast artwork, and call recording software. You might also want podcast music; which is not crucial. You can use any of the following software for editing your podcast:

  • Audacity:

A free audio editing software for Mac, Linux, and Windows; you can use it to make changes wherever it seems necessary. Audacity includes pro-level features; for which various tutorials are available online.

  • GarageBand:

Free software for Mac and iOS, it comes pre-installed in MacBook. It makes editing a lot easier but is not available for Windows.

  • Hindenburg:

An audio editing software; suitable for radio and podcast editing. It has a considerable number of features that make editing podcasts easier. Though it is not free, it does have a 30-day free trial for you to check it out properly.

mic for podcast

4. Record the First Episode of Your Podcast:

This is where things get serious and most people give up. However, you must remember to be persistent and consistent in your efforts.

Firstly, write a podcast outline, you don’t need to write the entire script; just go with short points and notes so you don’t ramble on pointlessly in your podcast.

Focus on building listener engagement and getting the attention of the audience by empathizing with the audience. Choose a location for the recording of your podcast and set up your equipment.

5. Edit and Upload:

Edit your recorded podcast; remove distortions, and distractions and add ads, intros, outros, and voiceovers.  All you need is the right software, and this task will be a piece of cake for you. Make sure that the quality of your podcast is good.

mic with purple background
Podcast mic HD Image

6. Hosting the Podcast:

There are many platforms for hosting your podcast; this includes Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. As a beginner, it would be wise for you to list your podcast in the top-ranking hosting sites.

This will help you reach a maximum number of audience.  Getting listed in the top directories is also an important part of marketing your podcast.

7. Launch Your Podcast:

After you are done with recording and editing the first few episodes of your podcast, it is time to launch your podcast officially. This can be done in either of the following two ways:

  • A Grand Opening:

you can go with a grand opening and get influencers to promote your podcast; this is a great idea if you have a budget for promotion.

  • A Soft Opening:

This is a low-key strategy for launching your podcast; without creating too much buzz, you launch your podcast about two days before the release date.

Headphone and Mic

Conclusive Thoughts:

Podcasting is an unexplored field of marketing that is brimming with opportunities. Starting a podcast is a simple yet very opportune way to ensure the success of your business and pursue your hobbies.

Podcast marketing services are promoting business and capture the market with ease and speed.

If you are still unsure about podcasting, you can contact reputable digital marketing services like VDigitalX to help you. You can always turn to our blog on How To Market A Podcast for the best promotional practices.


How much does it cost to start a podcast?

A podcast has a start-up cost of $ 350 to $400. This includes the cost of your equipment and the software you use for recording, editing, and publishing your podcast.

What is needed to start a podcast?

To start a blog, you will need, a computer, microphones and their stands, headphones, and recording and editing software.

Can I start a podcast for free?

Yes. Starting a podcast for free is possible. You can use the built-in mic of your phone or laptop, a suitable place in your home, the built-in camera of your phone, and use the material you have available at home.

Patrick Stone

Patrick Stone

I am an expert in business development and brand creation. With more than a decade of experience, I see myself as the centerpiece of the digital world. I look to channel my knowledge and emotions into writing blogs that assist in providing marketing options to individuals and businesses who need it the most. I use simple words to showcase my feelings so everyone can easily understand and relate to them.

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