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Refining Your Resume Writing Skills

Resume writing is a necessary skill regardless of what field you wish to proceed in, in terms of studies and employment. A resume is basically a summary of all of the hard work you have put into your academics and extra-curricular activities.

However, if you do not wish to make your resume yourself, you can always avail Resume writing services from a reputable agency.

Trusted agencies are known for offering that offers creative content development services that go a long way. For this purpose, you can also hire an agency that offers resume writing services in Dubai.

Resume writing is the sophisticated art of compiling your academic and non-academic accomplishments, skills, and experience that you have gained up till the time.

The Golden Rules for writing a perfect resume:

Think before you type: The saying usually goes “think before you speak”. However, here you need to think before you type, because your resume will communicate with hiring party before you do.

So, it is crucial to think what you wish to include your resume. You can accomplish this by brainstorming, mind mapping, and making a rough draft before you finally type everything out.

The Golden Rules for writing a perfect resume

Writing your professional profile last: Your professional profile according to the format of your resume, should be the first thing visible to the reader.

However, it should be the last thing you work on while writing your resume. Writing all of your accomplishments, achievements, and responsibilities first should be able to give you better insight to your profile and help you write better.

Summarizing your responsibilities: Avoid writing your resume like a copy of the job description of the post you are applying for. The responsibilities you are willing to take should be presented in a concise manner so the hiring personnel knows what to expect from you exactly.

Focus on your Achievements: All of your resume is important but your main point of focus should be your achievements. This is so because the hiring party will know exactly why your addition to their organization or project is an absolute necessity.

Just like while writing a personal statement, you focus on writing in manner that will make the reader believe that it will be their loss if they don’t choose you; you have to keep your achievements in the limelight.

Focus on the audience: Last but not least, you need to remember that the resume is not for you to read but for the hiring personnel.

Therefore, your main point of focus should be on writing a resume that is appealing and understandable for the reader.

The characteristics of a good resume

The characteristics of a good resume:

Strategically written and organized: Your resume should be well written; void of grammatical, spelling, and technical errors.

It also needs to be organized strategically so the right information catches the eye of the reader and can be scanned quickly without missing out the important points.

Targeted: The resume should not be general, each resume you write should be specific and target the position you are applying for. Including relevant skills, achievements and qualifications is of utmost importance while writing a resume.

For example, while writing a resume for the position of an HR manager, you don’t need to include your accomplishment of winning a lottery ticket. This simply means unnecessary and pointless information should be avoided.

Branded: Your resume should clearly convey to your employers the skillset you have acquired and the responsibilities that you are willing to take over.

This means that you need to present yourself as a brand that is going to work with the hiring organization.

As a result, your employer will a have a clear insight of what you will bring to them and how your appointment will benefit their organization.

Focused: If your resume focuses on results of your experiences rather than the experiences themselves, it will be easier for the reader to focus on the benefits of hiring you.

It will help portray you as result oriented individual; which is a characteristic that employers usually search for, in the applicants.

What You Can Accomplish with A Good Resume:

  • A good resume will grab the attention of the recruiters due to its matchless and unique content, layout, and presentation.
  • It will market your best accomplishments and your incomparable skillset.
  • It will help the employers deduce how you are suitable for the job.
  • Lastly and most importantly, a good resume will help you score a job interview.
What You Can Accomplish with A Good Resume

Parting Thoughts:

A good resume is a necessity if you intend on achieving success or simply get your dream job. Since a resume is such an important document, it requires a lot of thought, work, and time.

We understand that writing a resume may be difficult. Who said you have to write your resume on your own? You can easily get help from an agency that provides resume writing services like VDigitalX.


Which is the best resume writing strategy?

The most successful resume writing strategy according to recent trends is the XYZ model, put forward by Google. It basically says that X (your achievements) + Y (the results of your achievement) + Z (how you achieved them) = XYZ (the perfect resume). This strategy has been proven to by psychology to have a longer lasting impact on the reader.

What are the 3 Fs of resume writing?

The 3 Fs are; Function, Format, and effectiveness. These refer to the purpose, the layout and the view and the impact of the resume, respectively. The 3 Fs of resume writing help you answer the basic questions about how well your resume fits with the Job Description.

What is the most successful resume format?

A resume with Reverse chronological order is bound to be successful in this day and age, as it can be read by ATS easily, all employing personnel are aware of it, and it is the easiest of all formats.

Stella Green

Stella Green

I am a Business student with a mindset to change how businesses work. I have researched and developed innovative ideas that alter and enhance business methods to a futuristic business model. I choose to write blogs and research papers that include facts and figures and a simple tone that allows me to communicate directly with fellow businessmen and women.

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