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Budget Plan For Building An E-Commerce Website In UAE

Building an e-commerce website in UAE might seem like a task too daunting and expensive to undertake. However, with the help of a practical budget plan from the best web design company in Dubai, you will be able to accomplish this feat in a considerably easy way. 

We have compiled an easily comprehensive guide for you to be able to understand the factors that influence the expenses of website development, and you should plan your budget so your e-commerce platform runs smoothly from the first try, without any cost-related errors.

Important Factors to Consider During Cost Assessment by The Best Web Design Company in Dubai

It is easy to end up overspending when you have not preset a clear budget plan for yourself. The best web development company in Dubai recommends breaking down your cost analysis into major expenses that are as follows:

Important Factors to Consider Web Design Company in Dubai
  1. Type of E-commerce Platform
  2. Hosting
  3. Domain
  4. Design
  5. Developers’ time
  6. Maintenance 
  7. Functionality & Features
  8. SEO 
  9. Content
  10. SSL Certification

How to Proceed According to The Best Website Design Company in Dubai

To proceed with evaluating the operating and start-up costs of your e-commerce website, with maximum accuracy, experts and professionals from the best website design company in Dubai recommend that you must ask yourself and answer the questions that follow:

Need for Custom Development

1. The Need for Custom Development

It is not an easy decision to choose the best way for starting an online shopping business. There are a considerable number of e-commerce platforms, yet not all of these platforms will be able to handle the increased traffic you aim to get to your online store. E-commerce website development platforms that are open source, are not as flexible or secure as websites that are customized.

Developing a custom website will allow you to deliver solutions fueled by AI, voice recognition, augmented reality, the internet of things, and a headless ecommerce approach. Our well-designed custom website will serve to show your customers that they matter to you and that you are serious about them. 

A majority of the basic website templates for e-commerce websites cost up to AED 1,000. However, the customization and installation will cost you nearly AED 7,000. 

2. Requirement for Hosting

If you are willing to pay for quality hosting for your e-commerce store, you need to look for a host that is appropriately priced. Think about your start-up cost before choosing a host platform.

However, if you wish to keep your starting-up costs at a minimum, you should look for options for free hosting. It will be helpful to know that while most of the SaaS platforms offer a certain level of hosting, it might be limited to some amount of traffic, storage, and the number of orders that you receive or send out.

Requirement for Hosting

Since e-commerce websites are intended to generate revenue, it is recommendable that you choose a host that offers support. Costs of hosting are likely to be above AED 400.  

Cost of the Domain Name

3. Cost of the Domain Name

The domain name of your website is what would have been your street address, if your store were a physical one, and it holds equal importance. This is why it is necessary to choose the right domain name. 

The domain of your e-commerce store or your website is the house of your online business. You can purchase it for one year, after which you will need to renew it. The cost of a domain name can vary from AED 20 up to AED 200, this depends entirely on the .net, .com, .ae, etc. 

4. Choosing the Right Web Design

If you intend to stand out in the vast sea of competition, you need to have a distinguished website design, we’d say you require a world-class design. If you simply intend on selling and competing, you can choose a design that is just affordable. A good user interface (UI) is the perfect path to entice your clients into purchasing at the first glance.

However, a good UI design is also going to cost you. The cost of good UI designs usually goes up to AED 35,000 and AED 55,000.    

5. Cost of Developers

A near-perfect cost analysis should include the time allocated by the developers for the website. The rates may vary due to various factors i.e. experience, expertise, market conditions, location, etc. 

The costs are likely to be above AED 7,000 but the exact cost depends on the skills and rates of the developer.

Cost of Developers

6. The Need for Website Maintenance

Remember that your website will need you to invest in it continuously, for improving and improvising on the functionality after the initial processes of development are done with. Without proper maintenance, your website is prone to falling apart. 

An e-commerce site needs formulated maintenance that makes sure about the proper functioning of the components of your website. The maintenance cost depends on the functionality and features of the website but is likely to range between AED 3,000 and AED 30,000 per month.

websites features

7.  Features to Include in Your Website

The functionality of your ecommerce website depends on the features you choose to include in it. Typically, a site should incorporate the following features:

  • Registration
  • Flexible checkout
  • Navigation
  • Multiple options for payment
  • Reviews

We recommend creating a list of the features you wish to integrate in your website, this will help you make your budget clearer. If you want to customize advanced features for your website, you will need a bigger budget. The initial investment required for integrating features can vary between AED 18,000 and AED 185,000 depending on the features you want. 

8.  The Need for SEO

If you want to surpass your competitors in the market, you will need considerable support from SEO. If you want to just compete, you will need only the basic SEO, the monthly costs of which will be from AED 1,100 to AED 5,500.

9. The Need for Content

Experts in the field of marketing rightly claim content to be the king of marketing. For an e-commerce store, you will require product descriptions and images. It is recommended to use copywriting, the cost of which is corresponding to the number of pages. Choose the types of content for your website wisely. 

For an online store, the cost of visual elements usually ranges between AED 1,800 and AED 7,500. As for copywriting, you can expect the payment to be from AED 200 to AED 1,800 per article or page.

content development

10. Requirement of SSL Certificate

SSL is short for “Secure Sockets Layer”, these certificates are used for establishing an encrypted connection that is secure for you to work with. With an SSL certificate, your online store is vulnerable to attacks and attempts by hackers. 

Liability protection is the most important reason why we recommend paying for an SSL certificate instead using a free one. This ensures you are on warranty level in case of a data breach event. The prices of SSL certificates from a globally recognized brand will start from AED 914 annually.

Last Words

An e-commerce store is one of the best strategies for earning online. It is predicted that the number of online buyers will reach up to 6.5 billion in the year 2023. The only catch is that you need to have an appealing and properly functioning ecommerce website. While you might think that this is a hectic and very costly task to carry out on your own, you can outsource this to the Best Website Development Agency in Dubai like VDigitalX Marketing

This will allow you to work within a strict budget while availing of offers and packages that will reduce your overall investment and costs. Investing in an e-commerce store is not a waste, as it is likely to pay off your initial investment within the first operating year.   


How much does it cost to make an eCommerce website in Dubai?

The cost of making an Ecommerce website in Dubai can vary between AED 30,000 and AED 200,000 depending on the complexity of the website and the products you are offering.

How much does eCommerce cost in Dubai?

To practice Ecommerce in Dubai, you will require an e-commerce license, the cost for which starts from AED 1,070.

How can I create an eCommerce website in UAE?

You either choose a pre-designed template for your ecommerce website, or create a custom website from scratch, the latter will require more effort, time, and money. You will need to buy a domain name, decide on your ecommerce platform, decide on the hosting site, select the features and functions, and choose the strategies for marketing i.e., content and SEO, etc.

Stella Green

Stella Green

I am a Business student with a mindset to change how businesses work. I have researched and developed innovative ideas that alter and enhance business methods to a futuristic business model. I choose to write blogs and research papers that include facts and figures and a simple tone that allows me to communicate directly with fellow businessmen and women.

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